Your UBC Card

Your Student ID card, also called your UBC Card, is not only your student ID, it also serves a number of functions on campus. You need it to access building and restricted spaces, to borrow from the libraries, and you can load money on to it to spend on campus (which will give you a discount at most on-campus venues).

Building Access

Another important aspect is being able to access the buildings, and different areas of them, which you require. One example is the Research Commons space, which is located on the ground floor of the Ponderosa North building. This space is limited to Graduate students only, and you will need to contact the EDST office with a photocopy of the back of your student ID card in order to request access.

Email Lists

One thing to be aware of is that you need to opt-in to the various email lists that affect you. The most important of these will be the EDST student email list. In order to ensure you are registered on this list, please contact the EDST office and provide them with the email address that you wish to receive these messages on (either your personal, or your UBC student email).

You can find more ListServ mailing lists, and subscribe yourself to some, here.