Journal articles are the ‘bread and butter’ of an academic publishing portfolio. Some of the specifics can change depending on what field you are writing in, but for the most part, journals are pretty standard.

If you’re thinking about embarking on your first journal article submission, we’ve rounded up some materials from around the internet, and created some of our own, which we hope will help to demysitify the process and point you in the right direction.

Writing an Article

📚 Resources from the UBC Library

Choosing the Right Journal

Choose the right journal and other tips to get published

Education-related Journals

One of the key aspects in getting your work published is knowing where to publish. To help you with this, we can compiled a basic database of some of the journals in various educational disciplines. This list is not exhaustive, and you may want to explore journals from outside education if your paper is a good fit for that publication. However, we hope this will be helpful to get you started.

List of Academic Journals in Education

<aside> 💡 It is also important to check if the journal you are considering may be a predatory journal. One tool you can use is Beall’s List, although this may be out of date.
