Finding the right course to take can be tricky. If you have a supervisor or faculty advisor, that is a good place to start to get advice on what courses to take. If not, this tool might help you to navigate the available courses at UBC:
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Since this is not an official UBC tool, do make sure to check all the details before you enrol.
There are a number of courses which are offered by EDST itself at the graduate level. For a list of courses being offered in the coming term (as well as where to find the most up-to-date course information), you can check this page:
Courses (Graduate) - Department of Educational Studies
If you want to broaden your horizons and take some courses from outside of the Department, the best place to look is on the webpage for the Department you’re interested in. For a list of all the academic units located at the UBC Vancouver campus, you can check here:
Faculties and Schools | The University of British Columbia
UBC can’t be all things to all people. So, if there is something you’d like to study as part of your programme that isn’t offered at UBC, you might want to explore your options at other major universities in western Canada. Taking such courses is covered under a reciprocal agreement between these universities called the Western Dean’s Agreement. You can find more information, as well as the registration form, here:
Western Deans' Agreement: Authorization and Course Registration
Once you’ve chosen the course(s) you want to take, you have to register for them. There is a walkthrough on how to do that through the Workday system here: