If you plan to be in academia for the long term, or even if you’re just interested in staying in touch with the latest research, a good place to start is to look into the academic organisations and networks which operate within your own discipline.

Academic Organisations

Since this is a document primarily for students in Education, here are some of the major organisations that you might want to look into:

List of Academic Organisations

Early-Career Academic Organisations

There are also organisations which are primarily aimed at early-career researchers (like us) which you might be interested in. These also often provide development and networking opportunities to help you learn new stuff and meet new people. Some of these organisations are:

List of Early-Career Academic Organisations

Academic Networking Platforms

Finally, there are a number of ‘social media’ type networks specifically targetted towards academics. Here, you can feature your own research, request papers, and connect with other scholars in your field.

List of Academic Networking Platforms

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Have some material that you think would be beneficial for EDST students? We’d appreciate any suggestions for context to be added to this resource bank. Please get in touch with us via email.
